Shareholder Return

Dividend History

한진칼 최근 5개년 배당 현황
Classification 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Net Income (KRW, in 100M) 307 -34


3,792 2,170
Cash Dividends Per Share (KRW) Common Stocks


- - 170 300
Preferred Stocks 280 - - 195 325
Total Cash Dividends Amount
(KRW, in 100M)
Common Stocks 150.9 - - 113.2 199.0
Preferred Stocks 1.5 - - 1.0 1.7
Total 152.4 - - 114.2 200.7
Dividend Yield Ratio (%) Common Stocks 0.60% -- 0.43% 0.42%
Preferred Stocks 0.60% - - 0.61% 1.09%
Dividend Payout Ratio (%) 49.68%- - 3.01% 9.25%

※ Dividend Yield Ratio : (Dividend Per Share) ÷ (The arithmetic average price of the closing price of the exchange, which was formed for a week two days before the closing of the stock list.) * 100